New for Microsoft 365 - AI Converts Word to PowerPoint

US Microsoft announced on March 23 (local time). Only English is supported, but if you have purchased a "Microsoft 365" subscription, it will be gradually available in the web version of "Word".

Microsoft 365向けの新機能 ~AIがWordをPowerPointに変換

This function uses artificial intelligence (AI) to suggest slides using the PowerPoint designer (design ideas). Since the slides are generated based on the section headers in the document, it is necessary to rework the "Word" document appropriately, such as creating chapters in consideration of that. You can also suggest icons, videos, and fonts. You can easily create professional-looking slides.

To use this feature, you can export the document from the web version of Word. When you select the command Export to PowerPoint presentation in the File->Convert menu, you are prompted to select a design theme.

When you select a theme, slides are generated and can be opened with the web version of PowerPoint. If you need to fix it, you can edit it here. The generated presentation is saved in the root folder of "OneDrive", so you can edit it with the desktop version of "PowerPoint".

As mentioned above, this function is currently only available in English. Also, AI can only process text content, not media content embedded in Word documents. Also note that Internet Explorer and Safari are not supported.

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